Living together in the city

More housing is being built on less space – a move to densify our towns and cities that is driven by many factors: scarcity of land and its increased value are of significant impact but there is also an environmental imperative driving more compact forms of living. Of course, there is a perception that high-density living comes with disadvantages, from lack of privacy to lack of community spirit. Yet there are strategies that can make high-density housing kinder, more neighbourly. Read more

Talk / Wilson Lecture 2023

On urban fabric: how did we lose it, and do we still need it?

Research / SustainabilitySustainability

The role and nature of natural materials: how to grow their application at scale, and to extend our understanding of what comprises a viable building material.

Research / Fabric of PlaceDensity and its virtues

Density and its virtues: what is our residential footprint?

Book / Citymakers: A new Urban Model

Msheireb Downtown Doha has sought to engage with a growing Gulf city's local climate and culture. To better appreciate it, we explored it as a case study in urban change.

Research / SustainabilityPassivtower: a sustainable solution for the high-density city?

Passivtower: a sustainable housing solution for the high density city?