
Allies and Morrison LLP (OC404597) is a Limited Liability Partnership incorporated in England and Wales whose registered office is 85 Southwark Street, London SE1 0HX.

We recognise our ethical and social responsibilities in the work we do, the operation of our business and the conduct of our suppliers.

We have published our Designer Competency Statement, for compliance with Regulation 11K(1) of the amended Building Regulations (The Building Regulation etc Amendment) (England) 2023.

We actively integrate sustainability into our design approach and have developed a Sustainability Strategy to guide our work. We also undertake a number of community engagement projects that build upon the values of our architecture and urbanism.

Allies and Morrison is a welcoming and pluralistic practice. In this spirit, our Diversity and Inclusion Statement sets out our ambitions in this regard, and establishes new commitments to ensure we play a proactive role in making architecture and urbanism more inclusive for all.

Our Practice Social Responsibility Policy outlines and guides how we seek to proactively shape our impact.

We are an equal opportunities employer. And we have the following policies: Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, Privacy Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct.

We issue an annual Gender Pay Report.

Allies and Morrison LLP has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 19650 Certification Scheme IMSO3-04-21 Rev 0.1 and ISO 50001:2018 as detailed here.


And a note on the images contained within this website: We enjoy working with a talented group of professional photographers. Therefore we would like to thank: Peter Cook, Tim Crocker, Ståle Erikson, Dennis Gilbert, Rory Gardiner, Nick Guttridge, Jack Hobhouse, Hufton + Crow, Simon Menges, James Newton, Edmund Sumner, Jason Hawkes and more. The credit goes to them.