Representing more than forty nationalities and speaking more than twenty languages, we thrive on a friendly, collaborative and supportive atmosphere. We work as one studio, bringing together architects, urban designers and planners, with specialists in conservation, sustainability, interiors, modelmaking, graphic design, communications, community engagement and studio administration.
- Nicholas Choy
Associate Director - Liam Kelly
Environmental Design Lead - Charlotte Hodges
Associate Director, Manchester - Max Kettenacker
Director, Cambridge - Antje Saunders
Director - Arundeep Bolina
Project Accountant - Simon Fraser
Partner - Juan Fajardo
BIM Coordinator - Emma Archer
Architectural Assistant Part 2 - Antony Rifkin
Partner - Joanna Bacon
Managing Partner - Liz Burnett
Associate - Dinka Beglerbegovic
Associate - Jai Warya
Landscape Architect - Andreas Makris
Architectural Assistant Part 2